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About The Failure Of Failure

Richard W. Berlinger, Esquire
1494 Old York Road
Abington, PA 19001

Re: We do not recommend the services of Timothy M. Brouse, PE
(Traducción en Español | Traduzione in Italiano)

Dear Dick:

Timothy M. Brouse, PE and Alta Design Associates, Inc. have not provided a structural certification for the work performed in Blue Bell, PA. His ongoing failure to do so is not acceptable. The collapse of the structure is Timothy Brouse's responsibility. His professional misconduct and outrageous behavior have made the property unfit for sale. Therefore, there is a substantial loss.

This is the truth. Please cease and desist from any further threats and harassment. Timothy's past physical attacks cause him to be considered dangerous.

With specific reference to your client's responsibilities, regarding his license numbered PE051286E, please furnish the name and address of the insurance company that bonds your client's work.

Time is of the essence.

PS. Previously, you were made aware of your false assumptions on the ownership of this website. Your fraud and harassment are in violation of State Ethics Rules. Again, please cease and desist.

Timothy Brouse, Alta Design and Berlinger & Small Refuse to Testify!

April 30, 2007

Timothy Brouse refuses to stand behind his engineering work in a court of law. As it stands, the integrity of his structural integrity does not stand... literally. We do not recommend utilizing the services of anyone that will not stand behind their work.

Timothy Brouse, Michelle Brouse, Alta Design and Richard Berlinger, Esquire of Berlinger & Small Committing Crimes?

Shame on you! We do not recommend associating with Timothy Brouse, Michelle Brouse, Richard Berlinger, nor the law offices of Berlinger & Small, Janet Brouse, and Her Lawyer, Cheryl Sattin, Esquire

The United States Of America Constitution
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression.
Ratified 12/15/1791.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

More About Timothy M. Brouse, PE

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